
British Columbia

Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Commercial Beekeeping Training program, learn to manage up to 300 colonies, Vancouver, BC.

Langara College Continuing Studies, , Sustainable Urban Beekeeping certificate program, Vancouver, BC.
BCMAL in conjunction with University British Columbia Bee Webinar and Master Beekeeper course, Vanvouver BC .
The Honey Bee Centre in Surrey offers short courses designed for the urban beekeeper.
Honeyland Canada offers short course for beekeepers in Pitt Meadows BC.
Urban Bee Supplies offers beginner courses in Delta, BC.
Bees Incorporated offers a variety of beekeeping classes in the Okanagan
Chilliwack Beekeepers offers certified introductory beekeeping course May through August.
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development offers extension courses.
Grand Prairie Regional College - Fairview campus offers a commercial beekeeping certificate
ABC Backyard bees offers beginner courses in Calgary
Saskatchewan Beekeepers Association offers extension courses in beginner and intermediate beekeeping in May and June
Regina and District Bee Club offers a beginner beekeeping course in May
University of Manitoba and MAFRI jointly offer a non credit course "Beekeeping for the Hobbyist"
Ontario Beekeepers' Association Tech Transfer program offers 3 one day introductory courses.
University of Guelph Honey Bee Research Centre offers Introductory Beekeeping courses.
Dancing Bee Honey offers beginner beekeeping workshops in spring
Chatsworth Honey offers beginner beekeeping workshops in spring.
Lacelle's Apiary offers hands-on beginner beekeeping workshops in spring and summer.
Algonquin College Woodroffe campus, "The Urban Beekeeper course".
City Farm School offers an Introduction to Ecological Urban Beekeeping.
Miel Montreal offers a course of instruction on Urban Beekeeping.
Dalhousie University offers The Modern Beekeeper
Online Courses Canada
University of Guelph Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support offers Introductory Apiculture and Honey Bee Biology.
Online Courses USA
Penn State University Extension , Beekeeping 101, Pennsylvania
North Carolina State University Beekeeping Education and Engagement System (BEES)
University of MontanaOnline Apprentice-level Beekeeping
Ohio State Beekeepers offers a web based introductory beekeeping