Recognizing identifying and treating honey bee diseases and pests.
Identification of honey bee diseases
Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists "Honey Bee Diseases and Pests" - provides a expert advice with the most current information on diagnosing and treating honey bee diseases and pests. Eighteen authors have contributed to the latest edition. Updates include the latest information on small hive beetle, viruses and nosema disease. The manual is also available in French and Spanish.
Beekeeping in Western Canada is an essential book for learning about spring management of bees, winter feeding, honey extraction, honey bee health and marketing your beeswax, pollen and honey crop.
Diagnostic services
National Bee Diagnostic Centre, Grand Prairie AB - for laboratory analysis, disease and virus identification.
Manitoba Veterinary Diagnostic Services
Expert recommendations for treatment of diseases
British Columbia - Apiculture fact sheets
Alberta - recommendations for managing honey bee pests and diseases in Alberta
Manitoba - recommendations for administering antibiotics and acaracides to honey bees
Ontario - recommendations for honey bee disease control
Reducing the use of chemicals
American Foulbrood Shaking a 150 year old antibiotic-free management technique by Adony Melathopoulos
Using Integrated Pest Management - a seasonal poster by Heather Clay
Varroa Mites - when to treat? - Economic threshold for treatment on the prairies by Dr Rob Currie
Varroa- free bees in Newfoundland and Labrador. by Peter Armitage
Nosema disease - diagnosis and control by Dr Steve Pernal, Adony Melathopoulos and Amanda van Haga